
How does citizen involvement effect a community?

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i need to write a government paper.. please help!




  1. Here is a suggestion for a title:  YOU CAN  CREATE THE FUTURE OF YOUR COMMUNITY

    The people are the government in a democracy. The elected officials are the servants of the people. The people need to let the official know what they want done, so that the elected officials know what the people want. Ways to do this is to attend meetings of local government boards when they have meetings. Public meetings are posted and you can go and listen and perhaps even participate, depending on the state and local regulations. The issues local boards consider are zoning, planning, granting of permits, granting of licenses for events, or for restaurants, taxi, the list goes on....depending on state and local regulations.

    If you wish to petition your local government procedures vary depending upon whether you live in a city or a town and what kind or or Plan of Government  a city has or what type of government a town has.

    Find an issue you feel is important and start a petition:

    In some states the town warrant for the annual Town Meeting can have issues added to it for consideration of everybody at the Annual Town Meeting. The number of signatures needed can be as few as 10 valid signatures of registered voters!!!!!!

    At other times of the year more signatures are required, in order to call a town meeting for your issue!!!!

    Cities have different rules and regulations.

    Here  is an idea for a petition. (no pun intended)

    All tenants in My Community shall have the right to keep pets.

  2. It can help the entire town prosper.  Living in a rural community it was horrible watching our main street deteriorate.

    Residents were dispirited and had extremely negative attitudes about everything  A concerned group of residents and business owners banded together and with hard work have seen a New Library built on Main St. The first library in our county to be housed in its own building.  All others are in old houses, storefront.  From there came antique street lamps, store fronts being refurbished with historically correct colors, hanging flower baskets and best of all new businesses, town pool and a skate board rink which in winter becomes a ice skating rink. Street Fairs and outdoor concerts.  No more vacant boarded up storefronts.  All done by the will of the people.  Local politicians were told get on board or get out the way.  They got on board.  In rural areas Libraries, Fire Dept. and EMS are all manned and paid for with donations.  They do get a small stipend from the town.  So these citizens had a great effect on the town.

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