
How does climate change effect rainforests?

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How does climate change effect rainforests?




  1. drying leading to increased tree deaths and increased likelihood of forest fire, invasive species, slower growth due to increased temperature (despite increased co2, plants cant take it in if its too hot, they stop photosynthesising).

    and this creates a vicious circle (positive feedback), as forests cause rainfall and absorb co2.

  2. no way at all.

    Think about it, if they survived a freaking ice age, they should be able to survive a 0.5 temprature raise!

    The earth hasn't exactly been 72' and sunny it's whole life, now has it?

  3. Isn't it the other way around? The rainforests are the planet's lungs through photosynthesis (they supply about a third of the O2), so with the increased CO2 and decrease in rainforests, there would be extra pollutants. Right...?

  4. pollution causes "acid rain", which will then cause the death of lots of trees on the rainforests...

  5. Climate change causes lack of rainfall in some areas, leading to food shortages, so some people living next to rain forests will cut them down for wood for fuel and for airable land to grow crops.  Ironically, the push for alternative fuels to cut global warming is causing some rain forest destruction to plant corn and soybeans, which are bringing high prices right now, so that those crops can be made into fuel.  It's actually making the global warming problem worse!

  6. there are several layers of the rain forest.  If you are talking about global warming :the bottom will be dried up and the animals living there will die of thirst.  the next layer is the base and middle of the trees.  This part will dry out as well, and therefore, the beetles and animals living in the tree will die.  The top layer will die of heat from the sun.

    Also, the chemicals from pollution kill trees which kills the animals that live there.  

    Because of the climate changes, people are cutting down more forest to get to oil and to log.  

    This is killing our rain forests.

    Save them!

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