
How does cod liver oil work in the body?

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i have arthritus and i was wondering if the oil releives any pain. thanks for any advice. i read it in a magazine, was wondering if anyone knows for sure




  1. Cod Liver Oil is basically made up of Vitamins A and D plus a little EPA and DHA (the essential fatty acids in fish). The Vitamin A is good for overall tissue health (skin, connective tissues, joints, etc), the Vitamin D helps for bone health (helping the absorption of Calcium) and overall health. The EPA and DHA help for brain health, skin health, cardiovascular health (including the heart), and joint health.

    Basically, anything good for joint health gives your joints nourishment that it's otherwise lacking so your joints don't hurt in the first place... that's why it takes longer than an Ibuprofen pill to relieve joint pain, as they help long-term, not short-term.

  2. I think oldtimekid2 gave you a good response as to what cod liver oil does.  

    Just wanted to add that before getting into the alternative medicine field my father suffered from arthritis for a number of years omegas 3, 6 and 9 along with a few other supplements helped him cure his arthritis.  

    We now have had dozens of success stories using nutritional supplementation to help heal arthritis.

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