
How does coffee stunt your growth?

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I'm 13 and I love coffee. I'm really scared aboutit stunting my growth. Has this really been proven?




  1. I think it has to do with the caffeine blocking the production of calcium that aid the healthy growth of bones, but I'm not positive! Try google-ing it for the really scientific stuff. I'm fourteen and drink a lot of coffee too, yet I'm still 5'8 and growing, so I don't know!

  2. Well yeah...

    It's because of the caffeine.

  3. it doesnt

  4. It doesn't, thats an old snake oil tale.

  5. It's a lie. My dad is 6'1 and he drinks coffee a lot. If it does, though, I agree : caffeine and blood muscles. If unsure consult a doctor... Sorry not more help matey

  6. I believe that coffee doesn't actually stunt your growth. That whole thing as far as I've heard is a myth. The caffeine, however, is something that you might want to limit at your age.

  7. Nobody can tell you how it stunts your growth because it doesn't.

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