
How does cognitive behavior therapy and medication help someone with social anxiety?

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What does it do that seems to help the person? How does the medication work? As much info as possible please. Thanks.




  1. behavior therapy helps you to realize certain triggers that cause anxiety and helps you to change your behaviors. Once aware of triggers you can change the outcome, by changing the behaviors. The medication helps you to be more at ease.

  2. There is a lot of evidence that brain chemistry contributes to any mental disorder.  However, medication can do just do much.  Counseling which involves cognitive behavior therapy helps a person to undo any "wacky" thinking, as my counselor likes to call it.

    One should  always get counseling when dealing with a mental problem whether they are taking meds or not.  And always keep communication open between you and the medical professionals that you are working with.  

    Make sure that you ask questions or make comments when something bothers you or you don't understand.  I hope that you are bless with professonals that really listen to you and just don't try to ram their ideas down your throat.

    I am bipolar.  I also have some issues with obsessiveness and anxiety.  I had a hard time at getting out of the house and meeting people besides suffering from depression and manic episodes.  The proper balance of medications has help me a lot.  However, the counseling that I receive is extremely  complimentary to the meds.  Also, my counselor uses my faith in God to assist me on the  road to recovery even more.  You  may not be a religious person, but this has really put me over the top.

    If you are young, don't do like I did.  For years I ignored my problem or didn't stick with the program that was laid out for me.  I missed out on a lot of the happiness in life and missed some great opportunites.

    I  am now in my fifties.  God has given me a  second chance on life.  My counselor says that I have improved 400% since she first saw me 4 years ago.  In fact, I am taking advantage of my recovery and going back to college after being out for 35 years.

    I wish you well.  Stay with the treatment.  Get the most happiness out of your life.  You have a lot of wonderful opportunites ahead of you.

    God bless.  Go with the grace of God.

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