
How does community service give u responsiblity?

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How does community service give u responsiblity?




  1. It probably won't but idealist motive is that through the work you perform you me see the rewards to honest labor.

  2. well it doesnt give you responsibility

    it helps you become responsible lol

  3. It only does if u are engaged with the volunteer work -- then u get empathy and understand how others learn.... it's about letting down ur ego

  4. It doesnt, it makes you hate our justice system.....

  5. You'll learn how important your existstence on earth can be in the lives of other people.  You will learn to see things from a new perspective and act accordingly.

  6. HAHA

  7. It's suppose to teach you humility, did it work?

  8. idk but it looks good on college applications

  9. It doesn't.  I live in a homeless shelter and we used to get these chitty little community service groups from a local college.  One day their job was to paint a room where they were gonna put a computer in, and they had a paint party.  they destroyedthe room, and when they left these spoiled brats hasd the nerve to look down at the residents, one of whom was working at a soup kitchen for years and never boasted about it.

    If it's not in your heart don't do it, my mother used to say.  Wait till you're flat on your back and recieve some genuine kindness before doing community service, otherwise you are a hypocrit and being on the recieving end of that kind of look is worse than them having never showed up at all.

  10. Nothing gives you responsibility. You have to learn that there are things and people who are more important than yourself. Otherwise, community service is nothing more than you fooling yourself into thinking that you're a better person than you really are.

    Don't just do it to put it on college applications. Find some kind of volunteer work that you really do like and get involved with it. If you really don't want to do it at all, then you need to ask yourself, "Why not?"

  11. Because you're doing something positive for the community. For example, volunteering at a homeless shelter. You're helping other. Contributing to the community takes a responsible person.

  12. you become surrounded by people usually following through on jail sentences reduced to community service and realize that a better path awaits you without breaking the law

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