
How does community service help???

by  |  earlier

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I'm doing an essay, I need some good facts on these three:

How does it help:

-you as an indiviual


- the community

Any other topics/facts besides those three would be greatly appericated!




  1. -it makes me feel good that i can help others. it opens my eyes to the types of situations in the world also. it makes me think about how fortunate i am and helps me to develope good people skills.

    -colleges like people who do community service because it shows that the person think about other and not just about themselves. it shows that you're a well rounded student who likes to get involed in the community and esssentially school

    -it helps the community because the time you give up is used for good. depending on the activity you do, the community can be cleaner or less hungry. and because it takes money to hire people to do work, by you volunteering, the communtiy saves money that can be saved to be spent on things like fixing road qualities and plating trees etc.

  2. -you as an individual-

    it helps you feel better about yourself and gives you a sense of importance (in a good way)

    -jobs ect..-

    it shows you have good moral values and you are a caring, responsible person

    -the community-

    you help pull the community together by fixing its rough edges

    good luck, i just wanted to get you started on it, come up with some other things by yourself, you that your essay really has some 'you' in it.


  3. me as an individual: feel good about myself and what I did to help someone or a cause

    Jobs/colleges---some colleges look at were and when you volunteer in your community.  jobs as non profits run on donatations they can not afford to pay or fill all the jobs need.

    the community----you are meeting your neighbors and making your community a better place to live.

    The Value of Volunteering—Top Reasons to Volunteer

    There are as many reasons to serve as there are people who serve. Volunteering is not just an altruistic act. It's an opportunity to advance in all areas of your life. Here are a few of the things you can gain when you give your time and yourself:

    Connect with your community.

    Conserve funds for charities, nonprofits and faith-based and other community organizations by contributing your time.

    Share your skills and gain new ones.

    Develop self-esteem and self-confidence.

    Meet new people from all walks of life.

    Enhance your resume and make important networking contacts.

    Promote a worthwhile activity.

    Feel needed and valued.

    Experience something new.

    Serve your country.

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