
How does convectoin, radiation and conduction appy to real life?

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How does convectoin, radiation and conduction appy to real life?




  1. convection would be like using your oven to cook food.  radiation would be like using your microwave to cook food.  conduction would be like like placing your hand on a hot iron.

  2. they all apply to real life ex if you hold onto a penny in your hand and it gets warm that's from conduction you use radiation to cook food in your microwave etc

  3. Sun  light and  heat arrives by radiation.

    You feel heat from a fire place by radiation, toast cooks by radiation.

    Convection is how houses are heated and how liquids are cooked

    Conduction is how heat moves through a fry pan to cook, and how heat moves through any metal.

  4. convection cools your cars engine,  radiation heat from the sun warms the earth, conduction heats your frying pan to make your omelette

  5. Convection oven, a "perfect" vacuum uses conduction and a radiator for radiation.

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