
How does creationist Palin explain oil?

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Creationist theory; The world was created 10,000 years ago.

So how does she explain oil.?

Plus what about all those 50,000 year old skulls and bones in museums around the world. ?




  1. How do you explain that under Spirit Lake, Oil is already starting to form far ahead of what modern science things it should?

    It's been a while since I read this ... looking for references ... I will get them.

    Further information while you wait:

    Oil is formed from plant material that gets buried under sediment.  This layer of plant material is called peat.  It was initially assumed that a peat layer would gradually form in lakes and oceans, then gradually get covered under stratification.

    Mt. St. Helens' eruption in 1980 which buried 10's of thousands of trees in Spirit Lake has shown that this initial phase of stratification can be much shorter than initially assumed.

    Still looking, but I did find a 1,000 year methane cycle around a different lake (Lake Kivu).

    Ok, can't find it at the moment and I'm out of time.  But, man has figured out how to make natural gas from trash in 5 minutes.  Under similar conditions the earth could make oil and natural gas and diesel oil much faster than 50,000 years.  The process is called Pyrolysis.  Check it out! It may be a great way to both reduce our solid waste as well as help our energy needs at the same time.

  2. The bible does not say anything about 10,000 years ago.The earth was created in 6 days. This could and most probably means 6 billion years or something.If God had to write down exactly how,when and where everything was created,the first sentance would take you forever to understand anyhow so He kept it simple for us to understand the process of creation,in simple terms for morons like me.You are looking for proof and a sign that God exists and the only way you could possibly find out is by forming a relationship with your heavenly Father and seeing what it does to you.It's a process and deeply personal and it requires work.If you look at how much effort and time you put into a relationship her on earth then look at how much time you put into getting to know your God,then you will realise how lacking you are.Heaven has no time-eternal light,only earth has time to remind us our time her is finite.Our lives are like a day.Sunrise,rising higher and stronger then finally ebbing down into sunset.Then in time,we have to face our maker and give account of our time here on earth.If you read the book of Peter,then you will see where we go in the interim,while we wait after death for the last day before an eternal day or night begins for us.Good luck.

  3. very funny (and excellent) question!

  4. she has already explained to everyone that god put that oil there for her to drill

  5. Nowhere in the Bible does it mention that the earth was created 10,000 years ago.  Biblical scholars have estimated, but I personally think they are full of c**p.  It's impossible to know and honestly why does it matter?  Why not just concern yourself with living your day to day life the best you can?

  6. It is a gift.

    A black, sticky, stinky, toxic gift.

  7.   Oil,oh lord it's the devils work.Get ye behind me you satans of industry.The lord created the earth in 6 days on the 7th he rested.How he could have created it 10,000 years ago and at the same time threw in 50,000 year old schulls just to confuse you non-beliver.  

  8. Witchcraft!


  10. haha good one i agree, I am Christian but yes I do think that evolution happened....I mean....look at the fossils for one, diamonds etc.....I dont need to believe in creationism in order to justify my even says that 1 day is like a million yrs to the whole seven days thing dosent need to be taken literally at all.....I just think something guided the evolution of things......but that a lot of it happened on its own, since in the Bible it says that the world and man was cut off from God originally, hence why somethings are good and some bad, in an ideal world wed have no disability and no mental illness, yet I think these things happen becasue we are primarily a material dimension and as such mistakes happen, existance is precarious, and we need to re connect with the spiritual.

  11. If I explained it to you, you still would  not understand.  It's below your pay grade just like Obama's!  

  12. It's Jesus Juice.

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