
How does curve or bend in the shaft of the cue stick affect your game?

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I have already use many brand of Billiard cue stick like Pottak, Cuetec, Scorpion, Stella, Fury, Lucasi and Predator. I found out that all of the billiard stick has bend in the shaft. I just wondering how does this bend shaft affect your game? from what part of the cue stick? what degree of curvature?

I want some answer from experience players. Please explain your answers too..thanks




  1. Not being my usual smart *** but not at all I would not play with one

    You might wanna ck into cue care where and how do you store them While not top of the line cues the ones you mentioned aint that bad-usually-

  2. huh

  3. Although most of the brands you listed (with the exception of Predator) would be considered low end, or mid-range cues at best (never heard of Pottack of Stella, so I'm not commenting on them), all wood shafted cues have the potential to warp. Every single cue manufacturer and custom cuemaker in the world has had some of the cues they made warp at one time or another, so just because a cue warps a little does not mean it is not a good cue.

    A very slight warp in the shaft will have little to no physical effect on the playability of the cue. Since most of your stroking is done in the last 10 inches or so of the shaft, a gradual bend in the shaft will not change the contact point between the cue ball and tip of your cue. If the cue is really out of whack (like you'll find in a lot of bar cues) the cue will no longer contact the ball where you intend it to, and obviously that will have a negative effect on play.

    Don't forget that most of this game is mental though. If you think your cue is crooked to the point it's s******g up your game, it will.

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