
How does customs check what's in a package going from the US to UK?

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Do they open it X-Ray it, dogs, I'm assuming all of the above. Is it any different if you use services like UPS, FED EX,ect, vs the US post office?




  1. There are Customs Officers present at each Mail Centre at which mail from abroad arrives. They supervise the offloading of UK-bound foreign mail. They do have x-ray machines and I have known dogs to be used.

    Once a piece of mail has been identified by a customs officer for an examination, it is opened by Royal Mail staff under the direction and supervision of a UK customs officer. Illegal items are seized, and I understand that items with restrictions, such as tax owing for example, are held until the addressee pays the duty or identifies themselves or whatever action is required. If the item contains no restricted or illegal items, it is resealed with an accompanying note, apologising for any delay and explaining why, where, when and how it was opened.

    UPS and FedEx are essentially just shipping firms. All goods entering the UK are subject to Customs examination, so I should imagine the same applies, so I would recommend going with the cheapest and / or most reliable.

    It sounds to me as if you're attempting to circumvent UK customs. My advice is simple; don't bother, just go through the appropriate channels and things should go smoothly. If you don't, the chances are high that you'll get caught out and lose out. That's about the limit of what I can advise, without you telling us exactly what it is you wish to send.

    EDIT: As you aren't actually intending to send a specific item, thats about the gist of it. In short, all items of mail go through the same procedure, regardless of which service you use.

  2. Thats a good question, u r like decarte, hahahah, but seriously, one of the best questions I've seen, your best bet, f u r really curious, just call them up.

  3. It will go through an x-ray machine.  If you have not paid the correct duty the recipient will have to pay before the goods can be released to them.

    UK Customs do randomly open stuff and the open anything suspicious.

    Using a a service like UPS etc usually means the courier inspects the contents before you can seal the package.

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