
How does disability work for maternity leave?

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i know that i have to fill out the disability form and have my doctor complete his portion...then i guess i mail it once i go into labor. i've been informed that i get paid for 6 weeks leave...does this pertain to after the baby is born. this is the first pregnancy @ my work and they are really good to their employees. they are kind of in the air also as to what to do or what info to get. Can someone please give me steps or more info to what i need to do to make sure i'm having an income come in...say that i were to stop working 08/29...and i'm not due till 09/22 will i have no pay until after the baby is born for the six weeks? thanks so much...




  1. As it has been explained to is not disability.  It is FMLA.  You are required by law to be given 6 wks unpaid leave for a vaginal birth,  8 weeks unpaid leave for a c-section.  You may have up to 12 weeks total for the birth and "care of the child".  However you must use your own sick, vacation, personal, holiday time in order to be paid while off UNLESS your specific employer gives paid maternity (rare in the US).  Unless you have a medical reason to leave work early you will not be able to get 6 weeks before and after the birth.  If you have a medical reason you will need to use sick time to cover it.  You need to get the FMLA forms from your employer and have your OB complete them.  My c-section is 9/25 and I am only taking 9 weeks off because I do not want off w/o pay.  I'm employed in a professional position by the state and they do NOT offer paid leave.  I doubt your company does either.  Get to work on this.  You should get the FMLA stuff in by the end of the month (there is no deadline but they like a heads up)....

  2. If there is no medical reason for you to stop working early, then you will not be considered on disability for that time frame.  Your disability starts with your delivery date and then you will have 6 weeks from that point.  If you have a c-section, that will be extended to 8 weeks depending on your doctor but your disability may still only pay for 6 weeks so you will have to find that out.  With me, my doctor said that they can approve disability starting at 38 weeks.  I assumed that I could do that so I stopped working 3 days before I was induced at 39 weeks.  I was not paid for those 3 days.

  3. is this a state program or an employee program?  I can only tell you how it works in NY (one of the few states that offer a state-run short term disability program).  In NYS, for maternity leave, you are allowed to claim 6 weeks prior to the due date and 6 weeks after, but that's if you're actually not working 6 weeks prior and 6 weeks after.  You can only claim disability when you stop working and I believe they deduct the first 2 weeks.  The DB-450 form is 2 pages long and you fill out the first page, and your doctor/mid-wife fills out the second page.  You return it to your office and they must handle sending it in to the state.  If you require an excess of the 6 weeks before and after, then your dr. will need to document why.  For example, I'm due on 10/18.  my last day of work (planned) is 10/08.  My doctor will state that I will be disabled from 10/08 -  11/29 which is 6 weeks after my due date (which they have to state on the form)....i will likely only get about 5 1/2 weeks disability since they don't count the first 2 weeks.  If I end up going 1 week or 2 weeks past my due date, we can fill out another form to extend the last date, but diability is so little, it may not even be worth the effort.  If you don't live in NY, then you'll have to visit your state's disability web site for accurate info...hope this helped.

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