
How does do countries besides the US dispose of their nuclear waste?

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How does do countries besides the US dispose of their nuclear waste? I know France has a huge nuclear energy program. What does France do with the results?




  1. The old soviet union dumped it in a lake.   Years later they diverted water from the lake.   It dried up and the waste blew over the surrounding areas.

  2. The rational ones reprocess the waste so that they can use it a second time (since most of the Uranium doesn't actually get used by conventional LWRs).

    For the moment because there is so little nuclear waste no one is really trying very hard to deal with it (since it can be delayed, if we really had a nuclear waste problem like some idiots think exists the NIMBYs wouldn't be tolerated so readily).  That's actually a good thing since it means that the waste is still around to be fully used for when breeder reactors that can use up all the Uranium become widespread.

  3. Most countries re-use their waste or go through the transmutation process. Some use deep fill land sites but these are a high point of contention.

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