
How does energy conservation impact the enviroment?

by Guest56639  |  earlier

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How does energy conservation impact the enviroment?




  1. I agree with ashley

  2. Al Gore claimed that the deadly Myanmar cyclone, which struck on May 3, could be a result of alleged man-made global warming. "the trend toward stronger and more destructive storms appears to be linked to global warming," stated Gore.

    But scientists disagree, saying there is no way to link any single weather event to CO2 and global warming.

    Using tragedy to advance an agenda has been a strategy for many global-warming activists. It was just a matter of time until someone found a way to link Cyclone Nargis and global warming.

    There is indeed a stupid tendency for people to now blame everything that happens in weather on global warming and the blame game has reached a level of hysteria

  3. Well, if we conserve energy, not as much pollution and gases go into the air, causing us to lose oxegyn, causing less good healthy air for all mammals to breath, including humans. Okay, so all humans, as well as animals, are losing air PLUS all of those gases are creating heat (which already burned a hole into our ozone layer) which is hurting the "Greenhouse Effect" and causing all of the glaciers to melt which will then make the sea level rise and several states (such as mine, Florida) will "drown."

  4. well it helps earth because using up energy wastes the non renewable natural resources the earth provides for us. to conserve energy you can replace natural resources with something else. ex: air dry ur clothes instead of using a drier.

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