
How does everyone feel about the U.S and China growing a stronger relationship?

by Guest62997  |  earlier

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I am personally excited to hear that the U.S and China are finding ways to benefit each other. But I want to know how others feel about this. Some are saying in my town that this is just an attempt by the Chinese to take over the U.S.




  1. it's good for both our countries. they are a growing at a faster rate than we are and even though they haven't caught up to us yet they will eventually. so it's best to have them as allies when they do.

  2. The Chinese will never attempt to take over the US as they are the peaceful lot.They have already proved to the world they are the best in many areas these few years as we all know.The US  will certainly benefit alot  from this relationship.I am happy for both the US and China though I am from neither of them.

  3. Ahhh, I think that we need to be careful... I mean relations with China have gotten us in trouble before. Remember when we tried to protect them from Japan? Yeah. But hey, we did defeat Japan in the end, so maybe it's not such a big risk at all. Nevertheless, I'm suprised that the US is trying to become allies with a communist nation.

  4. The emergence of a strong middle class in China is benefictial to us.

  5. I feel guarded about this relationship...China still oppresses the Tibetans today... Yep, Very Guarded

  6. I feel more trade and business needs to be with Mexico.. Not China.  We don't have to worry about them swimming over here.   If the people in Mexico could feed their families they would stay there!!!!!!!!

  7. We had better find a way peacefully to deal with them, if not some day we will be at War with them and that will be the end of us all.

  8. It's interesting.  We have relations with China, but not Cuba even though both are Communist.  I'm a little worried about it.  We had the contaminated dog food and now there is contaminated Chinese toothpast in South America.

  9. It is a great thing! China is too big and has too much potential to not be friends! Not that they are an enemy or anything but you know the saying keep your friends close and your enemy's closer!!

  10. It was Ben Franklin that said "Trading partners don't make war on one another". On the whole, I can see it as a positive thing, however, I am still a bit leery of the Chinese, especially since the Chinese military still considers war with the U.S. to be "inevitable". Their words, not mine.

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