
How does everyone think Brock Lesnar will do against Heath Herring?

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I agree Legion 100%, it seems like now days all these promoters want to do is throw these big names on cards ASAP so they can maek their money, although I can't fault them bc i'll be watching it's just how it works today. Thanks for the feedback!




  1. Brock could win a decision over Heath by just holding him down.  Heath has never showed a big threat off his back, except maybe the occasional rollover (note, I did not say sweep lol).  His takedown defense isn't amazing either.  I'm sure he has better stand up that Lesnar, but Lesnar could come in faster and with the threat of a takedown Herring could leave his hands lower.  Herring has powerful kicks but could give up a takedown by throwing them without a proper setup and timing.

    I don't see Herring keeping Brock on his back as well.  I don't see Brock ever tapping Heath from the bottom, but I really don't see Brock being on the bottom for very long if at all.  However, Herring has a better training camp this time, and could even be getting some tips from Penn this time.  Herring is tough as nails and doesn't quit at all, so this could be a really good fight.

    Keep in mind Brock was originally slated to fight Mark Coleman before Coleman pulled out.  I don't think this will come into play as both have had adequate time to prepare.  Herring did not come into the Jake O'Brien fight at 100% but it is still a reminder of what Heath does off his back, which is typically just get his guard passed lol.

    This is only Brock's THIRD!!!! fight.  Anything can happen.  He fought a total can his first fight and lost his second.  It could go either way, but Brock should be able to take the win unless Herring wants it more.

  2. I think Lesnar will do fine against Herring although he will be a strong test for him.  Herring is not the submission specialist that Mir is and that is the only thing that saved Frank.

    Neither Frank Mir or Heath Herring are top 10 heavyweights.  Frank Mir may be considered a top 10 heavyweight by some after he beat Lesnar but he was barely on the radar before that match.  And Herring has been a middle-of-the-road fighter for some time now.  He looked fairly impressive against Cheik Kongo in his last match but was completely helpless when Kongo went for a takedown.  Lesnar will likely take him down with ease and ground and pound him out.

    Note* Lesnar has been the heavy betting favorite for both of these matches.  Maybe it is just time for him to live up to his potential.

  3. I'm guessing Herring will knock Lesnar out in the first.  I think James Thompson might be a little more skill-appropriate for Lesnar's next fight.

  4. Okay after going through reading everys answers I have a little input for everyone who responded...First off Mazagoti(the ref for the Lesner/Mir bout) should have stoped the fight around the 4:20-4:10 mark of the fight insted he lets it go and wel we all know whut happened...See whut ppl dont get is Lesner isnt just a former pro wrestler...He is a former 2X NCAA D-1 all american as I'm sure all of you know as well as a former national champion...But alot of his hater see him as a pro wrestler and do not respect him because they clam thats the only reason he got the huge contract but its kinda a combo of that and his amuture back round in wrestling...And the only reason he is getting top comp is because he him self asked for it and Dana and Joe Silva are giving him whut he wants...Now to answer the question of how do you think Lesner will do...Easy, Just go back and look at Heath's fight with the other NCAA wrestler from Purdue Jacke O'Brian...I know Heath wasnt 100% with the banged up knee...But if he can hold Heath down as well as take him down at will expect pretty much the same thing from the much stronger and more explosive as well as larger wrestler Brock to do the same...Just add some nastyer GNP...Brock via TKO in the first 2 mins of the first round

    One other thing...KH your an idiot...You know nothing about MMA...Brock would kill royce...Im not takeing anything away from him but he would not stand a chance against a guy likeBrock...Maybe against a guy like Dan Severn who he has beat but that doesnt mean he will take brock...Also Heath is top 15...Id say around 11-13...He is a  tough guy and has a **** load of experience...So dont try and act like you know **** because its pretty clear you know nothing...And one other thing to add your Royce would beat brock statment if he would be able to beat brock then he should have been able to beat the much small wrestler Matt Hughes...Sorry you fail

    By the way..who the **** gave me a thumbs down...I'm pretty much spoke the truth...*** clown

  5. I don't think you guys really know who the Texas Crazy Horse really is. He has really good knockout power and more than enough submissions skills to "Frank Mir" Brock Lesnar. XD . Heath Herring is no push over and saying the Dana White wants Lesnar to win is retarded. He's giving him top competition because nobody will give Lesnar his right to dominate this sport, he'll have to take it. He's going to have to prove he's ready to fight with the best of the best. Of course Lesnar is strong and he's a good wrestler, but Heath Herring has way more experience than him, he's been fighting longer than Frank Mir has.

    This will either be a tick on Heath Herrings record, or an extremely lucky win on Brock Lesnars part. Becuase there is absolutely no questioning the skill superiority coming into this match. I'm voting for the Texas Crazy Horse, Ya'll can vote for whatever "professional wrestler" you want.

  6. I think there'll be droves of celebrities coming in looking their best, but in their minds, they'll be wondering if the fight will last < 2 minutes.  

    I'm not sure about Heath Herring, but I'll guess he doesn't have a decorated career like Mir (?).  The question to ask is, how desperate does Dana wants Brock to win?

    I'd rather see Royce Gracie (clean one that is) take on Brock and show the whole world again, what a small guy with BJJ can do against a monster.

    Back to your question, since Dana (in my opinion, wants Brock to win badly), then he will.  I wonder what Dana will tell both the guys.... before the match that is.

    A more interesting question would be, 'What would The Rock say this time around, to top his quote the first time Brock got his sss owned?'

  7. Lesnar future UFC champion. He is so d**n strong. He can power out of anything Herring does.

  8. I have no clue why the keep feeding Lesnar such top competition! Heath Herring is a pride veteran has fought all over the world for years , and has been in the top 10 heavyweights rankings for a while now , I think he will win via TKO. Brock gets his first fight against two top ten heavyweights in the world , while other up and comers like Kimbo get fed , retired boxers , and old bar room sluggers.  I would like to see Lesnar get match ups against some of the rookies in the UFC heavyweight division , so he can display his skills , and build some confidence as a respectable UFC fighter.

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