
How does excessive violence in the media and movies effect people??

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How does excessive violence in the media and movies effect people??




  1. from experience i can say that the violence and the prison system seems glorified w/ everything on tv many young kids want to be just like them until i was locked up and realized it is NOTHING LIKE TV JUST WAIT UNTIL YOU CANT TURN IT OFF

    as for adults i myself don't even like to watch the news sometimes because theamount of negativity that i become negative and i think that is what afects the mood of the people

  2. It doesn't. I see at least one movie in the theater a week and I'm not a violent person, whereas Hitler killed something like 6,000,000 Jews without getting the idea from the movies. So there.

  3. I think it de-sensitizes us as a people. It takes greater and greater amounts of horror or terror to affect people.

  4. Well it is obvious that violence in the media has effect people greatly and school shooting and the rise in violence in general is proof. Violence has even effect those of us who think that because we are not violent it do not effect us. For example when we watch the violence that goes on in the news we are not surprised. We have become desensitized in that regard.

  5. I think it REFLECTS who we are, I do not think it AFFECTS who we are.

  6. My personal belief is that it doesn't.  I hear all the time that Johnny killed so and so because he played violent video games or watched violent movies.  I personally think that this is a cop out.  I have watched numerous violent movies, played violent games, read violent books and unfortunatley have experienced viloence in real life.  None of these things have turned me into a killer.  The only one that effected my life in any way was the violence that I experienced in real life,.  And while yes it was traumatic to go through at the time it has made me a better person today.

  7. Excessive violence in the media and in the movies allow people to further feel that it is acceptable for them to commit these acts. Our society is very easily influenced, especially the youth, and when they see all of these violent acts being done, than their violent acts may be belittled by them and so can be easier committed. ~1~ ghost

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