
How does excretion in plants take place?

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How does excretion in plants take place?




  1. Plants have been shown to trans-locate wastes into leaves which are then shed. In this fashion, the leaf, in addition to acting as an energy-trapping structure, is also a plant's organ of excretion.

  2. Plants excrete the waste through leaves by shedding them and through flowers.

  3. depends on what plant you are referring to. as well as to what substance is being excreted.

  4. Through stomata present in leaves and lenticels present in bark and roots of trees exchange of gases takes place

  5. Aqutic plants have enough water availability which dilute their waste products an slowly take away with water flow but it is so slow that it is considered that plants don't excrete

    land plant don't excrete in any manner that is why it is said that the fertilizers and pesticides come in our food plants do not have any mechanism of excreting any thing

    yeah but transpiration (evaporation of water )continuously takes place through small pores present on leaves called stomata this is not excretion in any manner it is just a method of losing water to environment so that more water can be taken from soil which would have minerals added this is like eating not excreting

    lenticells are small pores present on bark of tree they can be seen as cracks on the tree bark

    plants do not  excrete

    the waste and poisonous substances are stored in them forever

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