
How does farming crops and raising animals change how people lived.?

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How does farming crops and raising animals change how people lived.?




  1. It enabled them to settle down in one location and build permanent style homes.  Before agriculture they had to stay on the move to find new game and plants to eat.  Eventually,  farming gave some of them more free time to pursue other means of earning a living.  One farmer could grow enough food to feed his own family and more other people besides.

  2. The previous answer was correct but there was another implication. They needed calendars to know when to plant and harvest. They needed deities to protect them from crop failures. They needed armies to keep marauders from stealing their produce. It was an age that started the world we know nowadays.

    There was a book KING OF THE FIELDS by I B Singer that showed the early world in the transition between hunters and farmers and between savages and believers.

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