
How does farming make ancient egypt an advanced civilisation?

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  1. Farming and agriculture was one of the most important things in ancient Egypt, because life back then was mainly based on farming and most people worked as farmers.

    Do you know that one of the oldest calenders ever was the Ancient Egyptian calendar? the calendar based on farming seasons (it's on a relief in a Temple in Aswan).

    What also helped was the Egyptian landscape, it's one of the most extraordinary in the world. A relatively narrow strip of fertile valley spreads out into the Delta in the north, and to the south cuts through the endless expanse of the Sahara.

    Farming back then also depended on River Nile's flood, leaving a very rich mud, the fertility of the Nile mud, contained all the important ingredients which would have to be added to the soil by artificial manuring!!!

    And although farmers had simple farming tools, they had brilliant ways and regime in planting and farming.

    One of Egypt's names in hieroglyphs was "Kemet" -- (km.t) it meant the "black land" referring to the dark & rich mud of the nile.

    These are just few information, reading researches and books will be better but i posted some links that might contain further info

  2. Farming requires TECHNOLOGY AND IRRIGATION. It also requires communal effort. With farming, people stop being nomads and can settle down because they have stable source of food.Check out socialtravellersite (dot com). There are many articles on Egypt.  

  3. i suppose because they weren't like nomdas who roamed the earth with the animals, so they could stay i one place and produce their own food for mass amounts of people. if they could support themselves in food and nutrition, then they can focus on other needs such as luxury, so i suppose that makes them an advanced civiliazation by farming, but they've done a lot more than farming to become that.

  4. It wasnt just that they were farmers. It was the way they did it. Specifically the complex irrigation systems and the seasonal cultivation using the nile. Also at the time their agricultural methods were very advanced.

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