
How does fibre optic broadband work?

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I am having nightmare problems with my wireless router and i am looking to set up and internet connection in my bedroom but the modem is attached in the living room

Could i get fibre optic broadband in my bedroom as it doesnt require a phone line is that right




  1. What type of internet connection do you have? What kind of computer are you trying to hook up, desktop, laptop? Don't worry about fiber optic cable right now.

  2. I don't live in a cabled area at the moment, however I did so i have a little knowledge on this.

    Correct, fibre optic broadband doesn't require a phone line.

    But it does still need a cable and a router to be setup somewhere in your house, I assume this is wireless.

    Your best bet is to probably stay with the setup you have at the moment and make everything wireless if it isn't already so.

  3. I too have a wireless router but sorry to say wireless aint good i have  24MB connection with wireless that drop to around 15 using ethernet i get the full 24, I have my wireless option turned off on my router I have my main pc downstairs connected to port 1 of my router with a 1 meter ehternet lead also know as RJ45 Cable i then have my 2nd computer upstairs running of a 25meter RJ45 cable and no speed restrictions i suggest going back to a wired connection or spend some money and get a decents 128MB wireless system.

  4. If you have the modem downstairs and don't want to use wireless, you'll still need to run a cable upstairs. Fibre Optic cable is a lot thinner and therefore less discreet than ethernet cable, and also carries more traffic. Try taking a look at this if that's what you're trying to get at...


  5. You need a router, wireless or otherwise.

    edit:- Hang on if its already a wireless router all you need is a Wifi receiver

  6. no phoneline, but it requires fibre optic cables lol

    (but they're extremely thin)

  7. Sounds like your really confused there.

  8. if you have a wireless router, just attach a wireless usb accesspoint to your computer in the bedroom and connect to it. I do not see any problem. Unless you have a higher then 10 mbs connection in dsl, this kinda transmission is fast enough.

    24 mbs TV dsl connections need faster speeds, but still, for internet, chatting and video conferencing, 1.5 mbs is plenty of speed. Only TV streams in large format need high transmission rates. In case of high speed wanted, just get one of latest wireless routers that are able to go beyond 100 mbs in speed.

  9. Just like a phone line, cable has to be run to the house by the provider. The only difference between the two systems is that fibre optic can carry a lot more traffic,

  10. i like my broadband like i like my women.... fast and easy

  11. Unless you live in a cabled street you wont get it.

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