
How does global warming affect fish??

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HELPP PLZ i cant find ANYTHINGG!!!




  1. There is a lag time of approximately 800 years as temperature fluctuate to result in CO2 fluctuations.  What this tells you is that ocean temperatures don't change as readily or quickly as a previous answer suggested.  In reality an air temperature change of a degree or two isn't going to change the water temperature significantly.  Here in Southern California, warming waters (it happens seasonally and no that isn't a contradiction), results in better fishing, spawning, and adds to the general health of the fish.  Every once in while, the natural flucuations tend to bring warm water here, generally during El Ninos and this can cause some environmental problems, but the ecosystem is evolved to cope.

  2. The only way for global warming to affect fish is if it existed. Therefore, it does not hurt fish. Nope.

  3. No effects.  GW is a scam.

    My 2 cents.

  4. it varies fish to fish but fish are pretty sensitive to water temperatures so you could see some population depletion and some migration in oceans as ocean temperature rises a few degrees. as climate changes you might have lakes drying up too and fish depletion there too.

  5. changes the areas where they can live, which can upset ecosystems.

    for example, we have an invasion of bony pipe fish in the north sea, that normally live further south. the puffins are feeding them to their chicks, but the babies cant get them down, there are pictures of starved chicks surrounded by rotting pipefish, heart breaking.

    we have sharks we didnt used to have, and the cod are moving north.

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