
How does global warming affect the U.S.?

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What are exisiting policies of global warming and justifications of Global warming?




  1. the weather pattern r goin to ****** up more than they r now. areas will b dry that were once wet, and vise versa. its happenin in austrailia. in the middle of the country. its used to b an area of growin crops but now its dry. there r children that r 6 years old that have never seen rain there. and farmers r commitin suicide on an average of 4 each day

  2. the US is the number one contributor to global warming we edmit more co2 than any other country but a HUGE amount,

    it has shown that the average worlds temperature has increased by 2 degrees in the last 5 years, it may not seem like much but it adds up

    and even if you dont believe in global warming would it really kill you to just recycle every now and then or turn the lights off when you leave a room. it really doesnt hurt to make a tiny effort plus you save money

  3. This is what I think.. I am not a scientest but it what I think..

    I think that global warming will start to melt the polar ice caps.. the caps will fill all of the oceans and make the land start to go away, the ice caps will then carry cold water to the world and we will slowly drift into a new ice age..

    but what the smart people say:

    That in 15+ years that the land in NYC will start to decreese

  4. The u.s. doesn't have any policies.

    There is a thing called the Kyoto Protocol, a global warming and environmental pact among nations,  that was signed in 2001 by 160 countries, the George Bush and the U.S. pulled out of it.

    It affects the U.S. because while we aren't the number one contributor, (china is), we have certain species of plants and animals going extinct(next few years), that causes a chain reaction.

    In 2020 it is projected that we will have a water crisis that will make the oil crisis look childish.

    Hurricanes will continue to worsen if we don't stop it and sea levels are rising, both of these will cause a mass number of refugees.

    you can go to:

    for more information.

  5. I don't know of any justifications nor am I a scholar in those matters. What I do know is that the present examples normally given such as weather patterns and temp change so forth and so on I've seen before am I'm old enough to remember and records show that we have seen similar patterns throughtout recorded weather history. Now, I don't want the greenies to jump on me because I do believe that something must be done about emmissins from the various polluting sources. I just think that what has been proposed thus far to justify global warming are not enough nor are they qualified reasons. 10,000 years ago the globe warmed up enough to melt the ice caps but there were no coal burning facilities or autos to create an enviromental hazzard. It was just a cycle and the cycles repeat.

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