
How does global warming affect the ocean ecosystems?

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How does global warming affect the ocean ecosystems?




  1. If the temperature of the Earth keeps rises, trillions of pounds of METHANE (CH4). Will change from their solidified frozen form to potent and deadly gas. It will kill millions of fish and further pollute our world. And if you know anything about ecosystems, even removing a seemingly useless aspect from a fragile ecosystem like a few fish will greatly change the world we live in. and there are plenty of other chain reactions that could happen. But many endangered species will go extinct.

  2. I want to pull out what little hair I still have.  I see at least one person put "if" into the equation and that is some small consolation, but the bottom line is here is the presumption that the trend of warming will continue.

    Take a parcel of air as it rises.   Eventually it reaches it's level of equilibrium.    Heat and moisture affect that.    Evaporative cooling results in a loss of heat,  so if we have enough warming and the air becomes saturated, it rains.    As it evaporates, it cools.  

    A thunderstorm is a classic example of this process.   It is sweltering hot and then it rains and it cools.   The process is repeated until there is no distinguishable difference in that airmass and stability results.

    Predicting all this gloom and doom, invariably runs counter to the natural processes that are always occuring.

    In the final analysis,  these ocean ecosystems absorb changes rather efficiently and have done so for thousands of years.

  3. The ocean currents are driven by warm water heated by the sun moving north, where it runs into ice, cools, drops to the bottom and then moves back south.  This is an ongoing cycle that runs day and night every day.  If the north cools too much it is thought this could slow the natural currents, or even stop it.  The currents are important because ocean life follows it.  This could cause big issues in the oceanic ecosystems.

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