
How does global warming cause floods, droughts, earthquakes, tsunami & melting of glaciers?

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How does global warming cause floods, droughts, earthquakes, tsunami & melting of glaciers?




  1. it doesn't.

  2. Temperatures rise.

    Glaciers melt.

    Ocean levels rise.

    Countries with dry climates become even drier.

    Earthquakes just happen, it's the earth's way of "mixing" the ground.

    Tsunamis result from earthquakes and get bigger because the water levels have risen.

  3. Global warming does not directly cause floods droughts earthquakes or tsunamis.

    Global warming does cause glaciers to melt as they have been doing now for thousands of years.

    It's all interconnected though. Just as sea levels rise as the ice melts so does the land when relieved of the weight of the ice. The land rising in turn causes tectonic stresses and therfore earthquakes. Earthquakes are the primary cause of most tsunamis.

    Rising sea water levels means changes in salinity, changes in current and wind flows and thus changes in rainfall.

    It's the interconnectedness of things. The climate of the earth is constantly changing, it has never and will never be static.

  4. Only in your mind. I know U have been brain washed ,but I am 77 and nature has always fought against MAN,

  5. Global warming heats things up more.  Heat is what fuels extreme weather.  So global warming will cause more extreme weather, over the long run.   You can't say the recent tornados are due to global warming.  You can say global warming is causing more tornados to occur.

    It's a mistake to attribute any single event to global warming.  It's scientific fact to say it will cause more extreme weather events.

    It won't cause major earthquakes or tsunamis.  But melting ice on Greenland has caused the land underneath to rise (because it doesn't have heavy ice sitting on it any more) and that has caused small earthquakes.


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