
How does gym/P.E work for homeschooling?

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How does gym/P.E work for homeschooling?




  1. We don't have gym or pe for our homeschool. My rational is that PE was created to help school children who are forced to disassociate from their NATURAL INCLINATION TO RUN AND PLAY, when they must attend to seven straight hours of instruction.

    My kids don't have that. They still are very active, and they get physical activity from doing real life things. In real life, some adults do attend gyms to stay in shape, but many others stay in shape by enjoying physical hobbies, such as riding bikes, hiking, boating, swimming, sports, martial arts, etc. I think children should have the same right.

    In our family, we hike every weekend, swim every other day. My oldest son started an exercise routine for his personal fitness merit badge, and enjoyed so much how he felt that he continued. Children in general enjoy running and playing, and allowed to do that, are healthy. They daily are playing outside, games like everyone learns in school.

  2. some YMCAs have a gym program set up, during school hours, just for homeschoolers. there are also park days which can be counted as a gym class. or even martial arts make good gym classes.

    added: and if you want to stretch it scouts can be taken as a gym class. (I will add more to this after I get back)

    ok here is my add on to my add on about the schout thing

    with schouts there is hiking, which alot of people do just for fun and alot of schools do have hiking day (usaly with there classes, not the whole school)

  3. With an online charter school,  they have you keep a record of your phycical activities during that semester. Sometimes there are a frew written assignments about a certain sport etc

  4. Community Basketball team with regular practice




    Basically, just regular activity  

    Our son is very interested in sports and knows the rules of the major sports.   The big part of 9th grade PE in our public schools is learning the rules of the games.

  5. There are many ways to include gym/P.E. in homeschooling that are much more fun than square dancing in the gym!  (Although square dancing is a fun, physical activity.)

    Dance Class









    Playing at the Park

    Roller Blading

    You get the point.  Any type of physical activity can be counted towads P.E.  Here are some sources of physical activity for homeschoolers:

    There are also specific P.E. programs you can purchase that include all of the typical P.E. games and drills.  This one is really popular:

    Here's a free program:

    Hope this helps!

  6. Midwest high school is a nationally accredited distance education high school. A pioneer in the field of home study, the not-for-profit educational institution has over two million graduates and currently serves about 40,000 students...The Midwest High School is recognized as a non-public secondary school by the Illinois State Board of Education and U.S. Board Of Education

    Midwest High School:

    is accredited by National Accreditation Association (N.A.A.) Chicago, Illinois.

    is not relegated but granted “Exemption” by the Indiana Commission of Proprietary Education as a religious Institution.

    furthermore, does uphold the highest standards of excellence and integrity to assure that all the degrees awarded are absolutely legitimate and totally honorable.

    A degree awarded from Midwest Theological Institute covers the major taken with that degree. A student or potential student must understand that credits taken in one type program may or may not transfer to another type program. This is the sole discretion of the receiving institution.

    The job market is highly competitive. Training is specialized in most fields. A graduate in one field may have difficulty in being hired in a field they are not certified.

    Persons whose professional career goals require a certification by a state or federal governmental agency should check in advance to determine whether a degree from Midwest Theological Institute would be acceptable. a nationally accredited distance education high school recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.


    for accreditation check out website:

    for the high school check webstie

  7. For our DS, he earns a 1/2 credit per year of PE by getting in 75 hours of physical activity (and a little health related book learning / discussion).

    Activities include: mountain backpacking, extreme frisbee with friends, swimming and archery through 4H.


    Good point below - we know many homeschoolers who take martial arts for PE.  Our local group also has a competitive swim team and a track and field day.

  8. Play a game in the garden or go for a run or go to the gym, pool, sports centre, etc.

  9. There are so many ways to get physical fitness in!  There is even one book written by a homeschooling Dad who taught physical fitness that realized his own kids weren't fit enough, so he put together a HS program!   This isn't the version I have, but I think it is by the same author.  It even has lesson plans.  In the last Co-op I was in, one of the ladies had a degree in the area, and she put together a program for us using the book.

    In the Co-op we also did the things towards the Presidential Physical Fitness awards...

    As a family for PE, we do:  jungle gym in the yard, going to the park, farming on our property, races, biking, hiking in the mountains, skiing, ice skating, Taekwondo, swimming, PE class at local Co-op, snow shoeing, recreational sports leagues, and whatever else seems fun to do!

    I should mention, one of the "side benefits" of doing some activities like hiking as a family is that we moms also get some exercise in!  I don't know about the rest of you, but it is often difficult to schedule in our own exercise time, so in my case, it helped me, too!

  10. Homeschool sports teams

    Our co-op did the President's Physical Fitness Challenge this year.

    Homeschool P.E. classes (ex.    )

    Martial Arts

    YMCA, gym memberships used daily for many families


    Co-op intramurals

    Community team sports/exercise classes

    Pay to play school systems often encourage homeschoolers  to join organized sports/marching bands since it means more money coming in.  


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