
How does handicap betting work if it gives a team plus36 points .How do you win.

by  |  earlier

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Its for the coming premier league season.




  1. if it is the league handicap for the season then the easiest way to explain it is,

    1 team (maybe 2) will be off scratch 0 and all the others will have a start on them.

    so at the end of the season you add all the points start to the points each team has gained throughout the season and whoever is top then has won the handicap league.

  2. keep the docket and at the end of the season add the actual points all the teams got to the number of points they got in the handicap and whoever has the most points is the winners.

    example - man utd will start from scratch - 0, arsenal +5 and liverpool + 10. if man u get 50 points, arsenal 46 and liverpoool 42 then liverpool win as they have 52, arsenal have 51 and man u 50.

    you need to keep the coupon in order to add all the teams handicap to their actual total points to determine the winners. goodluck.

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