
How does having palnts and flowers at home help you mentaly?

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Ive heard its good to have these at hom.




  1. It gives you something to take care of, they make you feel needed. Plus, they're pretty and nice to look at, don't forget the oxygen factor too!

  2. Nothing is more theraputic mentally than working in the garden/yard.

    Also it is much cheaper than paying a shrink who only keeps you coming back so he/she can get more money.

    What money you spend in the yard it going to be there for a long time.

    When you are troubled and go do yard work by the time you are done, you  have worked all kinds of things out.

    Which would you prefer? A shrink or yard work?

    Think about it because I have shown many people how theraputic yard work is and now I have them

  3. Its a nice hobby to have, the fruits of your labor are pretty to look at, just working in an established garden can put you into a zen like state because you are outside in nature, improving on your surroundings by planting pretty flowers or plants, which in turn can put you in a better mood just by looking at them and make you a more caring person just by having to take good care of them, or by planting your own veggie garden, and there is nothing tastier than fresh from your own garden veggies! Walk through a garden center sometime, see all the pretty flowers and plants, how can a person resist?

  4. IMO, since we are a part of nature having nature around us in our homes is an added bonus.  It brings us back to our roots.

    Watching plants sway in the wind, or watching a fly hang out on a leaf can be rather therapeutic.

    Flowers add fragance to any room, from roses to lavenders and tulips.

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