My boyfriend and I are expecting our first baby later this year.
We have bought this baby memory book and I would like to keep it well informed for as long as we can. We were filling bits in last night and came across a section all about Mummy and Daddy (myself and John my partner) that clearly was no problem filling in.
However, when we read down the section continued onto Grandparents and Great the problems start for my boyfriend. His mother passed away 2 years ago and was adopted, she never spoke about either her natural parents or her adoptive parents, John has never met either of them nor any other relative on his mothers side, she was an only child to the adoptive family.
The only real information he has for his mother is her adoptive maiden name (Magee).
Where do we start by looking for relative, mainly names of his grandparents both natural and adoptive?
I think it would be a good experience for John aswell as completing the section in the book .