
How does health insurance work ?

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ok im about to move out on my own soon and i will be taken off my parents insurance, now i know im responsible for part of the copay when visiting the doctors.

i know you pay the insurance company money every month or every so often, is that money saved up for an operation or something major then deducted from the money you have payed to your insurance,? or will they cover it then jack up how much you have to pay each month until that debt is payed off?




  1. If you want a basic personal health insurance policy, ask your agent for a "co-pay" plan.  

    Basically, for routine doctor's visits you will pay a co-pay, generally between $20-$30 per visit, but can be more.  The health insurance pays the rest.  You also have an annual deductible and coinsurance.  If you had a $1000 deductible and say, 80% coinsurance, that means, for any thing "major medical", you would have to meet your deductible before the insurance company would pay anything.  Once you pay that deductible, they will pay 80% of the total bill, you are responsible for the other 20%.  However, there is also a "maximum out of pocket limit" they should tell you about where you would pay no more than $**** per year no matter what.  

    So, if you go with a higher deductible plan, your monthly cost is cheaper.  

    I hope this helps.

  2. Health insurance is a policy which insure the payment of medical costs of the policy owner in case he is injured, sick, been in an accident, and more, all according to the policy he purchased.

    There are many variations of health insurance; there are private medical insurances and governmental health insurances, each person should get the best health insurance quote for his own unique needs.

    Medical care can be very expensive sometimes when a special treatment is needed, not anyone can pay for the treatments they need. Therefore health insurance makes sure the person will get the treatment he needs by paying some of the treatments, depending on the person's health insurance policy.

    Health problems are not only a burden to the patient but they also affect the family of the patient.

    Therefore there are also family health insurances quotes.

    There are different life insurance plans to choose from and each person has his own unique needs and health problems which affects the quotes which are offered to him. A specialist can simplify the possibilities and advice you on the best life insurance quote according to your needs. There are different coverage planes to choose from, such as: Dental care, vision coverage, hospitalizing, pregnancy, mental health care, surgeries, medications, doctor's visits, specialists, emergency care, and many more.

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