
How does home bound instruction work? is there any literature about it and the policies available online?

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I don't mean homeschooling, I mean homebound instruction when a child is unable to attend school




  1. Try these two links for information on the laws and policies for each state:

    Typically there are not any detailed standards you have to follow, just very very VERY general guidelines.  That’s usually the same thing for all the private schools you see out there – they don’t have to follow the public school guidelines at all.  PUBLIC schools DO have * policies * and * standards *, and rightly so, since they must be accountable to parents as tax payers who fund the schools.  Home educators are not funded by taxpayers.  Home educators are only accountable to themselves , as parents of the children they educate.  IF home educators choose to homeschool THROUGH the public system, they are opting into public schooling (albeit, a unique form of it), and must follow public standards, but that is only one way to home school out of many ways.  

    > How does home bound instruction work?

    I find this difficult to answer because it’s a broadly-worded question.  Home education is not a pre-fabricated kit or set of instructions that you can explain to someone.  It is the act of educating people outside of institutions, usually at the home, (though many “home” schoolers are rarely home)!  

    Some families recreate a school environment at home, (desks, cirriculum, teacher in front of class, and lack of choice in student studies).  These families probably have less of a problem with HOW schools actually disperses information, but perhaps disagree with WHAT information is being dispersed.  

    However, many others of us, myself included, disagree with HOW schools work, so we opt to educate our daughter by NOT recreating school at home.  

    So, asking how “education at home” works, is also like asking, “how does education work” which is a bit like asking, “how does religion work?, or “how does Christianity work?”   You’ll get a variety of answers in both questions, from Buddhists, Moslems, Christians, Athiests, or in the second question, from fundamentalists to liberalists - Lutherans, Methodists, Catholics, Babtists, Unitarians, and so on.  

    I read a lot.  The biggest question I ask, on a regular basis, is, “How do children, err, people, learn?”.  I like the philosophies of John Holt & John Taylor Gato.  I read about brain functions, brain development, memory retention, personality differences.  I study child development, gender issues, biological differences and how environment shapes people.  I know how to find information, which is critical for home educating – if I don’t know the answer, I can help my child find it.  That is one of the basic rewards to home schooling – children learn how to learn, vs. being spoon fed information.   Hope this gives you a place to start…or helps you narrow down your questions to more specific topics.

  2. It probably varies a lot by state (assuming you're in the US).  You might want to try your state's Department of Public Instruction website first.

  3. For home bound instruction, you have to qualify medically and meet the criteria of your school district.  Anyone in the United States can homeschool, as long as they comply with the laws in their state.

    Here's a list of requirements different states use to make up their homeschool laws:

    You can find a summary of the laws for your state here:

    Here's some information about choosing a curriculum:

    Good luck!

  4. Each program is run  little differently. Usually you get a weeks worth of assignments. Complete them at home and turn them in. You would most likely meet with a credentialed teacher every 20 days at the least, sometimes once a week.

    Warm Regards,


  5. .

    type 'homeschool online' into any search bar..

    results are too numerous to list

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