
How does if feel to pee in the pool?

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Does it feel good?




  1. Well I've never done it so i cant tell you but it probably doesn't feel to good i mean what if water from the pool goes back up then you'll really need to pee and you make the water yellow and someone sees you then you'll be embarrassed.

  2. Sure! It feels great if you really gotta go! Relief.... just like peeing in a toilet. While I've never peed in a pool and wouldn't suggest it, I have peed in a lake and it sort of hard to get it started for me. Haha but yes it does generally feel warm around you. HTH

  3. let's see, 3 questions:

    How does if feel to pee in the pool?

    Have you ever peed in the pool or ocean?

    Why do kids make fun of other kids if they wear a diaper, wet there pants, or wet there bed?

    do we have a fetish?

  4. What?

  5. please don't...

  6. it feels good in thhe sense that peeing when you rly have to pee feels, but it isn't like, a good feeling

    unless the water is rly cold. then it gets warm

  7. Depends...

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