
How does it affects (insecurity / jealous) into your self?

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Insecurity is known to be one of several Filipinos nasty behavior but not all including me.

Do you have any horrible experienced done by your fellow Filipinos due to his/her insecurities to you? What are those if any?




  1. insecurities are always present,whether at work,school,company or any as long as there are least two people involved. in my case, being young,new and can't help it, younger people do have better abilities sometimes (not all the time though).

    one of my colleagues made an issue which would cause my license, job and reputation as a good professional to be taken away from me. an issue which i never did, and she even used a child as an accomplice for her act. luckily, her complaint against me was not entertained since she doesn't want to put it into writing. complaints remain to be hear says unless proven.  

  2. i have a fellow Pilipino who dont like his fellow Pilipino's for the reasons that they eat their snacks, that they spend an hour for cooking each meal, and that they should only eat cornflakes.

    i dont know if it can be called insecurity, but i think something is terribly wrong.

    by the way, his name is butchokoy

  3. Insecurities really do exist, I don't want to share this in details because it will seem as if I am generalizing.  

  4. My wife has example...I won't shake this guy's hand because I think she's having affair with her.  I dont' even want to go to party with him.  For examle on Mother's day she wanted to go to his Bachelors Party,a nd I said no so she locked herself in her room and said she's not happy without him.  I told her not to let him put his hand on her inside thigh, and she said she'll let him touch her anyway it make her happy.  I said to her let me go on your trip for work in another city, and she said she wanted to sleep in his hotel room.  I was entertaining guests at our daughters 5th birthday and she left with him for 2 hours in his car.  The problem with insecurity and jealousy is that the person using this word is often times the guilty culprit of making inappropriate decisions and comments that hurt the ones that they love and who love them.  Some men and women are jealous of any guy or girl, but when a person zero's in and communicates concerns over a specific issue then it's really bad manner to call it insecurity or jealousy.  

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