
How does it feel getting "Home Schooled" ? :[?

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I found out a month ago that my friend is getting home schooled. i was extreamly shocked & i never thought something like this could ever happen to her..

She has no access to the computer or her friends.

Some of my friends say they have tried calling her but no one would pick up.

I feel really bad for her =(




  1. Oh please!! You should be happy for her that she will be getting a Proper Education at home and probably succeed a lot quicker than most Public educated kids.

  2. How does it feel?

    Well, my 10yo son thinks it feels great.  He feels lucky to be homeschooled.  He has access to the computer (though not unlimited, and not unsupervised - he's only 10), and he sees his friends as much as he wants, but every homeschool is different.

    Honestly, we do turn off the phone ringer during the day, since it's very distracting; can you imagine if a phone rang every 12 minutes or so in your classroom?  So yes, if someone calls our house during anytime that we're doing school - which could be anytime, honestly, it's not limited to 9-3 or anything - we don't pick up.

    Adjusting to homeschooling, while it has many benefits, can be a big transition for some kids.  Give her a while to get used to it, and try sending a note, a card, some photos, whatever in the mail.  Let her know you still want to be friends and hang out.  If you had a big transition in your life, chances are your friends probably wouldn't see you much for a month or two...but then things would even out, and you'd want your friends to still be around, right?

    Your friend is still the same person, she and her parents just made a different choice for her education.  Please don't feel sorry for her, or act wierd around her, or expect her to be different - just be her friend and let her know you still care.  :-)

  3. sounds more like her parents are keeping her under raps. I'm home schooled but I have my own laptop, cell, etc. Maybe she got in trouble or something.

  4. Homeschooling itself can be a great thing. You make it sound like it's the cruelest form of punishment. My kids love being homeschooled.

    However, your details do create some concern in me. Especially with a recent news story. Homeschooling shouldn't mean no access to others. And with nobody picking up the phone, I would honestly ask your parents to drive you over there and knock on the door. If nobody answers, talk to the neighbours. Make sure everything is okay.

  5. My daughter loves it! She says she never wants to go back to public school. She has a more balanced social and scholastic life now than she did in public school. She has a cell phone and access to a computer. She has friends over frequently. I don't know why your friend can't see you, perhaps she has been grounded or perhaps her family is having a personal crisis and does not want to be disturbed at this time. Be patient and try not to prejudge the situation too much. I'm sure you'll get to hang out again soon.

  6. well im a male model im supposed to stay home schooled its cool less homework but ur girlfriend may have issues or problems or maybe her parents dont trust her and wake up the next day like zombies

  7. well i have indepednt study !! and is kind of boring lol! but the good thing is that iam always on   myspace!

  8. kinda lonely cuz u don't make any friends really

  9. I have been home schooled my entire life, and I have to say, it's a blast. Although it sounds like the situation your friend is in sucks and her parents are being a bit psychotic. Anyone who says you get no socialization is wrong, I go to a program twice a week where I see most of my friends, and almost everyday of the week I play basketball with the rest of my friends. Being home schooled does not mean you can't see anyone, or have any interaction with the outside world. You should probably go over to her house sometime and make sure she's OK and just hang out and give her someone to talk to. Try calling her yourself, make sure she's OK.

  10. Home school has many academic opportunities.

    That aside, if you cannot reach her by any means of communications I believe it would be wise to try to make contact.  If nothing else then to insure her safety and well being.

  11. That's not how we homeschool, that's not how MOST people homeschool. My kids never want to go back to public school, being homeschooled is fun because they can do what they want, when they want to, and spend time with family and friends. In fact, they're happy because my SIL just had a baby and we get to go stay with them for a week or two. They'll hang out with their cousins and I'll get to help out with my new niece.

    Each of my kids has their own computer with net access, their own phone and the ability to get wherever they want, when they want to get there. So you can't blame the homeschooling.

  12. Okay, your friend is not getting homeschooled, she's getting kidnapped or something.  Homeschooling is nothing like that.  I was homeschooled for 10 years and I always had a computer and answered phone calls from my friends!  Her parents must be psycho or something.  "Getting homeschooled" isn't a horrible thing to happen to a person... I thought it was great!  But getting shut in your home is a bad thing and I feel sorry for her too!  Just don't blame it on homeschooling...homeschooling does NOT mean you suddenly can't communicate with your friends anymore!

  13. Her parents are locking her up and calling it homeschooling.

    She's being homeschooled in the same sense that Iraqis are enjoying their freedom right now.

  14. That doesn't sound like she is being home schooled, it sounds like she is being confined and kept under tight wraps.  Maybe you and a few of your friends should just stop by her house to check on her and see if she wants to hang out....  I'm sure she misses you too....

  15. Well personally I'm not home schooled but i have a friend who is and she really likes it. She wakes up at around noon and goes to class. It's not as long so she usually is on myspace long before anyone gets home. She leads a pretty normal life. She has a home school prom and all but not much interaction with a lot of other kids so that's i guess a downside but other than that once you get used to it it's just natural and you go with you you know what i mean.

  16. The Home schooled usually do mech better academiclly the chool taught, atleast as measured by SAT type scores.

    The imprisonment in solitary confinement has nothing to do with homeschooling, but if it is 100% effective like you say, you might try knocking on the door, or maybe even try contacting social services, or someone like that, police, maybe her body is buried in the back yard??

  17. The good thing about it is that it lets you concentrate on what you are learning. When she finish you will notice how well prepared she is and be live me it will leave you shock. Although it's  stressful and you don't have  alot of time to concentrate on your feature

  18. If her parents are Xenophobes nothing can be done about that!  Many extremist religious people, including Mormons and JW fit this motif.

    Homeschool doesn't require a computer

    It simply requires tools in any format

    Some homeschoolers excell and go to college at 16 or 17, some fail miserably

    Most public schoolers fail miserably and half of those who attempt college drop out after 1 year

    College, you see, is picky and intense

    College can THROW you out

    60 to 80% of those who homeschool and attempt college tend to succeed

    Only 20-30% of brick schoolers tend to succeed in college

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