
How does it feel liberals to have your thunder taken?

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I'm just a little curious. Did it sting when McCain announced a woman as his running mate and completely took all of Obama's thunder. This was supposed to your weekend. the weekend after the DNC and great speeches and just like that it was stolen from you. Now nobody is talking about the DNC any longer. Not even the liberal media outlets




  1. Its jealousy plain and simple

  2. If you get any answers from the Libs- it will be angry rants, and the question of her "experience"  which absolutely cracks me up!  They act so "outraged" saying from a small town - only a 2 year governor etc.  It's like they don't realize that their own Presidential candidate is sorely lacking in the experience field!

  3. I guess it feels the same way it will feel when the hurricane steals the media coverage from the Republican convention! Maybe God is for the Democrates this year. We had the week all to ourselves but McCain will have to compete with Gustave for media coverage. To Bad. Only it will be real thunder to remind everyone how Bush screwed up the last hurricane.

  4. Ya, I laughed till I cried,

  5. no thunder was taken from me. Its disgustingly strategic what mccain did. she has no experience. she is a loser and so are the republicans.

  6. Meh not really, just think how it'll feel when you'll lose, people don't want another 8 years of bush, people want CHANGE. Who's going to bring it, McCain who openly says he has much of the same practices as Bush, or Obama, and Black, smart, articulate man?

    I believe Obama truly  cares, and wants to change this country, unlike war mongruel McCain.

  7. I can't wait for the VP debate.  Most people think this is a ridiculous choice anyway; it was cute for like 24 hours. I did support Hillary over Obama, and I think this is really stupid. Palin is nothing like her, and it's an obvious ploy to sway women towards McCain.

  8. I have heard the mighty thunder bellow from Hillary's pant suit...they can keep it

  9. Wait a moment!?!. Do you seriously think those tiny squeaks are worthy of the label thunder?  

  10. How nice to have the ball in our corner. Good shot McCain.


  11. Im sure they are just still in the denial stage and just the Oh thou Great Obama dream land anyway.  

    I think McCain will most definetly win now!   Sarah is ALL ABOUT CHANGE!   Even has the record to proof it!  She did more for Alaska in 1 year than Gov's total did in 12 years!   She is WHAT WE NEED!  

    She is what the Ticket needed!  

    GO McCain

    Go Sarah!

    Go Republicans!

    Go away Pelosi!  

  12. Nope, I must be deaf, I heard no thunder.

    I'm just a little curious. Does it sting, that the old man just does not get it. Does it sting that Obama surprised the H*** out of everyone, with his wisdom, and made everyone come to his way of thinking about the war in Iraq? Isn't it going to sting when your party choice loses in November? Obama realizes that he doesn't need to have center stage at all times to win the election. He understands what this is all about. Mack Cane does not.

    And the thunder rolls. (The Garth Brooks)

  13. love America cause I dont have to be forced to believe in Christian Principles

    . -Now this nut SAra Plain is going to fight to take my rights away and drill drilll drill.

    ***** that c**p

  14. I am mad as h**l and I am not going to take it anymore!! I am going to puke.  

  15. Oh we don't mind, we're just sitting back enjoying all the bad press that McCain's VP pick is getting. More and more bad news is coming out about her. It's like Christmas in August for us. We had a great convention and Obama's speech was watched by 38 million people and to top this off McCain's VP pick is being trashed in the news, so we're happy.

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