
How does it feel living in Singapore long-term?

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Although Singapore's physical land area is actually very small, it has an extremely high population density? Does the high population make Singapore feel like a big country, and less like a tiny island? Do you even feel Singapore is so small you feel you are unable to "spread your wings"?, or is it big enough to go somewhere else to get away?

Thanks for any insight




  1. May I know , you are in S'pore or just intending to stay soon ?  Kindly make known where are you from & about yourself before asking such particular & sensitive Question.

    Singapore is very small, just a tiny RED DOT in the World Map but having the world as our hinderland.  We trade with all people & countries in the world and best with a big family, the ASEAN --10 Asian Countries in SE Asia.  It is a cheaky, hot & spicy piece of land (not pizza) which graduated from 3rd world to 1st world country within 43 years and is proud of all the No.1s obtained in the world race of any particular item or form.  Sorry, Our Merlion cannot fly without wings but our airline,SIA can fly the 1st A380 to all parts of the world and service by our Artropolis, Changi Airport, Best in the world for many years.

    The Beauties of Singapore are not the sopisticated infrastructures of the city skyline that can be seen in major cities but the Racial Harmony & Religious toleration that is among the best in the world and many disbelieve in its successful relationship, envy by many. We don't call people Black or White, we are common people with sincerity.  

    The Singapore Qualities & Efficiency are recognized by the World when we did our first Miss Universe Show (looking forward to Miss World), WTO-No1 SHOW, the IMF & World Bank Conference, the SEAP Games, the SEA Games, the recent ASEAN MEET as Chairman (to hand over) & the 6 POWER MEET on Denuclearisation of North Korea. The coming ones are:  The 1st F1 Nite Race in the World (Sep 2008) and the 1st Youth Olympic Games (2010). More will be coming in the near future, for sure.

    How is it now?  If you stay here --long term, will you be proud of Singapore and do you want to be a Singaporean?  We have a multi-racial population of 4.8m (current) on an island with huge variety of food, fruits and cultural specialities so that you will not be bored here.

  2. I've lived in Singapore all my life.

    Town area is where most things that place, like events and such. It's also the main shopping district in Singapore although it only stretches between about 4 train stations.

    To be very honest, the small land area of Singapore really does have its restrictions in regards to entertainment and places to go. There is no way you can go on a road trip in Singapore and if you should choose to go for a short vacation in our little island itself, the only place would be to the neighboring islands such as Sentosa & Pulau Ubin. But even so, it's really hard to escape the hustle and bustle of Singapore life. Every where you go it's like, rush rush rush. Never calm and serenity. Which is one of the main things I feel Singapore lacks.

    My answer is of course, very subjective and to my own personal experience only so I do not speak for others although I'm sure many people I know share the same sentiments as I.

    It's like, you want to go out and all you can do is either 1. eat, 2. watch movies or 3. shop. I wished there was more to do in Singapore.

  3. i've lived here for all of my life. singapore is indeed small, but it doesn't make me feel that i'm unable to ' spread my wings'. by the way, is this statement meant to be sarcastic ? please make yourself clear, if not i'll take offence at that.

    singapore really isn't as pathetic as it seems. in fact, i feel that i have all the opportunites for me here. i need not go anywhere else. we students are especially exposed to many different aspects of learning and mind you, we do have many chances to ' spread our wings' . a lot more than other countries, i believe.

    by the way, are you singaporean? you should state what country you come from. let's all be honest with each other here. reveal your nationality or even race. it's not as if we're going to drop a bomb on your head if you criticise our country. just be very candid and honest here.  

  4. Spore is the 3rd most dense country in the world......and i thank GOD for my car and the causeway and my Malaysia...and the ferry services to Batam.....

    ...personally i am running out places of my interest to visit and my interests are anything tat are not man-made to visit in Spore...except for my parents house....

  5. I dont feel cramped living here, in fact i feel free. But of course, i do feel cramped in terms of style. It's so costly to be stylish here. I mean, sometimes there arent enough variety for a change. Everywhere seems to look the same, where's the distinction? And with the old historical buildings being torn down to pave way for new condominiums or modern buildings, where's the charm? We're slowly becoming like one huge amusement park is what i truly feel.  

  6. Living cost is more and more end. but there will more and more world / Asia / South East Asia NO 1 , egg world first night city F1  coming soon . many other on the ways..there will another 50 ERP in next 3 years , i believe. The Rich always become more Rich , but the poor , just cant do any things for next 10 years.  

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