
How does it feel to experience an earthquake?

by Guest32068  |  earlier

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I live in the panhandle of Texas so I am far from anything close to an earthquake. I know this may be a dumb sounding question, but I am curious regardless.




  1. it feel like the ground is shaking... which it is

    i felt so cal's recent 5.4 and that the biggest that i remember...

    most under 3 aren't even noticed...

    if a strong one starts... get under a table or something strong... or in a doorway...

  2. We had a moderate one a month ago or so.  I thought a big truck was right out side my window and then I felt the rocking and knew it was an Earthquake.  The violence of that one scared me a bit although I have been in bigger ones that didn't scare me in the slightest.  You have to have confidence in your building and the one I am in is a concrete slab building that made me a bit nervous.  During two big ones, my cat woke me up a minute before the quake.  

  3. I have been through several earthquakes of various magnitudes up to 7.2.  If it is strong, it can be a bit unnerving.  However, if people who live in earthquake areas respond properly, e.g., get under a table, it is a lot less frightening.  However, for people who have never experienced a big quake, it can be completely terrifying.

    In the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake in the San Francisco Bay Area, the building where I worked was really shaken.  The floor seemed to be moving in waves.  The native Californians got under desks and tables.  However, the Europeans in our building went wild.  One Brit got into his car to go to the airport and fly home.  My wife spent a lot of time convincing his wife in France to calm him down.  He couldn't leave even if he wanted to.  All of the roads were jammed because the signal lights were out.  My mother-in-law sat quietly in her rocking chair for 5 hours until we could get to her.  My cats quickly recovered.

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