
How does it feel to get sacked (aka kicked in the nuts)? What's the pain like?

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How does it feel to get sacked (aka kicked in the nuts)? What's the pain like?




  1. imagine getting your b***s stab and getting them squish at the same time.Maybe it's worse than that,even getting them hit real slow it hurts like mother f@cker!

  2. it just hurts ok!!

  3. It feels like you are going to die!!!!!!! It hurts so much

  4. To say it's pretty painful is an understatement - you just want to curl up and fade away - quickly.   Some guys have thrown up after they've gotten nailed in the nads; others almost pass out.  There are exteme cases where such injuries cause rupture to blood vessels down there and that can lead to death if it's not treated early enough.  I've never been kicked in the nutz but I remember one time I slipped off the pedals of my bike when I was a kid and landed on the crossbar - balls first!  Man, it hurt so bad.  My dad got me to put cold washcloths on my bag and that helped some.

    I'll include a link that might give more info.

    Hope that helps.

  5. Hold on I'm not a boy but from what I hear I really do sympathize with you all when this happens.  I don't kick boys in the nuts because I've heard of all the damage that it can do.  If I'm going to seek revenge I'll simply give you a punch in the arm or a slap on the arm or something but NEVER will I land a kick in the nuts.

  6. It can be excruciatingly painful. There is nothing blocking your testicles and the rest of your organs. So when getting hit in the testicles it also causes pain/discomfort/damage to organs. Getting hit hard enough can in fact cause them to pop.

    A kick to the testicles can cause nausea, vomiting, fainting, internal bleeding, sometimes death if its hard enough to rupture anything on the inside.

    There really is nothing to compare it to, especially if you're a woman. Its kind of like getting punched by Bruce Lee from the inside of your body, while getting hit by a wet towel filled with oranges. Is that good enough?

  7. feels like being knifed in that area...honest (not that i would know i can only guess the pain)

    but it makes you feel REALLY sick and it knocks the wind out of you.

    it is bad, honest its like they and the rest of your body are numb and missing


  8. getting tapped in the nuts, alone, is painful enough. it's a lingering pain that just hurts. can't really explain it. almost like being whipped.

  9. it hurts so much!!!!! if u ever fell off ur bike and skinned ur knee, its worse!!! the pain stays for such a long time.

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