
How does it feel to get shot with a bullet?

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I heard that it feels like getting burned with a hot piece of metal, but also heard it feels like getting hit with a hammer. I just want a straight answer.




  1. It will depend on where you are hit and what kind of bullet hits you.  I was shot in the leg but it was a relatively minor flesh would.  When the bullet hit, it felt like I had been slapped on the leg with a limb.  Then very shortly it began to burn like heck followed shortly by a throbbing pain.  It was an uncomfortable experience.

  2. There is no cut and dry answer, it depends where your hit. I have seen people cut there thumb off and just look at it in shock. The body naturally reacts with Dopamine which is a precursor of adrenaline. when this kicks in it removes some of the pain.

    I knew a guy who got shot in the elbow with a .380 pistol. it went through hit coat and lodged just beneath the skin where he squished it out by hand. He thought he had hit his elbow against a brick wall till he saw the blood.

    Hit with a rifle you would probably drop or be knocked over as if hit by a bat. It's a huge energy dump.

  3. Its not something you want to experience.* Been there done that.*

  4. it feels like someone beamed you with a hardball and a charlie horse at the same time. "the impact was so hard that it made me cough up blood." then you feel a burning sensation and then you start to hyperventilate and everything goes in slow motion and then you wake up in the hospital.

    i got shot in the back on my left shoulder blade by a 9mm. i don't think i want to experience it again. happened at a park in sacramento ca. two gangs were warring and i got caught in the middle of it.

  5. I'm not sure its like both, Getting hit in the hammer when its comming threw your flesh and when its in you its like getting burnt.

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