
How does it feel when?

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I was wondering how you feel when you tip against your own team and then they win?, I dont know what this feels like because im very loyal to my team and always have faith in them to win. Personally i would feel embarrased if i tipped against my own team and they won, i would feel im not worthy of barracking for them. How does 1 point in a tipping comp compare with Faith and Belief in your own beloved team.




  1. i'm the same i will never tip against my team go the pie's loyalty means more to me than anything else

  2. Mmm.. couldnt tell ya.. thats why I dont win my works tipping contest, I tip with my heart not my head.. I couldnt tip against my team, Ive tried, just cant bring myself to do it!

  3. Well most of the time i tip against collingwood becoz they havnt been playing too well this year. i dnt really care if i dnt get my tipping right thou coz all i care about is that collingwood won.

  4. Yes it's shattering,but sometimes it's not the one point...It's the $100 bet,or for that $10,000 win at the end of the season.

  5. Usually not for the reason that I feel stupid when they win but for instance this week I am tipping PA to beat Sydney. It depends where I am on the tipping ladder, if I am down the bottom then I never go against my team but in our little yahoo comp I am second so can't afford a loss.

  6. To tip against ya own team would be pointless as you arent passionate and loyal.

  7. Well if you're really a passionate suuporter of ya team you dont go against them,your ment to stick with ya team through the good times and the bad times too..

    Winning a bet is'nt important to me cause i never got the dollars to spend on betting....

  8. I don't get that feeling.

    I never tip against my team. I would feel disloyal. I would rather lose than tip another team to beat them.

  9. i'm a huge crows supporter, and i nearly always pick my team. this year i have at least. but when we're bottom of the ladder, against the top team thats when i pick against em. when its a coinflip, i always pick the crows.

    so no it hasn't happened to me before

  10. Look mate I'm a staunch a Carlton supporter as any one but I'll tip against them if i think they won't win (which has been often the last few years),tipping is like a business decision where you are in it for the money and the heart shouldn't come into it,and if i do tip against the blues and they win we'll hey I'm rapt no drama about missing that tip.

    p.s Ive won it once and a second in the tips at work in the past five years,and if id tipped Carlton every week id just about finished last every one of those years but instead I'm about a grand better off.
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