
How does it feel when you get your braces on ?

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I'm getting my braces on tomorrow and I want to know what it's like. So, Does it hurt? Anything I may need to know? Any tips or advice? I really nervous and I don't know what to expect so please help. Thank you! :)




  1. first...they dont realy hurt when they r putting them on but after like 1 hour then they will for like a week.

    take pain medicen before u get them on so it will already kick in.

    ok a lot of people r like i dont look good with braces...give it a week then it grows on you lol.

    tightning it all depends on what they do on that day they could be sore but other times they might not be.

  2. a bit strange at first but you do get used to it

  3. I am not going to lie to you....yes, you will hurt.

    Take some Tylenol/Ibuprophen etc BEFORE you go.

    Get a slush or something cold when you get done to help numb the pain.

    Rememer these tips each and every time you go to see the Dr.....your teeth will be moving and it hurts at times.

  4. well for the first few days your teeth will hurt a little because they wont be used to the shifting but the pain will go away if you use Motrin and eat pasta and other soft foods. you also aren't aloud to eat certain foods like bagels and gum and things but i did when i had braces and nothing happened so ask your orthodontist what they think about that. also do what the orthodontist tells you because little things actually do make a difference in how your teeth turn out

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