
How does it function the process of creating laws in U.S?

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Are there a federal and a state bicameral legislatature?

Are they alike regarding state and federal law creation?




  1. At the federal level, we have a bicameral legislature.  The House of Representatives is a 435 member body, each representing a specific area of a state.  The Senate is a 100 member body, with 2 Senators per state.

    For a bill to become a law, that bill must be introduced by a member of either the House or the Senate.  There are plenty of chances for the bill to be changed, but eventually it must be passed by a majority vote of both the Senate and the House.

    At this point, the bill is sent to the President of the US, who can either accept or reject (Veto) the proposed law.  If he chooses to veto the bill, it is sent back to Congress.  They have the chance to vote on the bill for a 2nd time, and if 2/3 or more vote in favor, the bill bypasses the President and becomes a law.

    Each state has its own method of creating laws, although most use a very similar procedure with state legislatures in the place of Congress and the Governor in the place of the President.

  2. The US Congress is the legislative branch of the federal government.

    State's have their own legislative branch, and pass laws for each state.  They are very similar.

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