
How does it help by arresting dead beat parents?

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For not paying child support.




  1. If they aren't going to pay anyway, it's a way of getting their attention and making clear their obligation and the consequences of ignoring it.

  2. 1. so they cant make more children

    2. they do give you chances and try to work with you before they are  

        actually arrested

    3. If they wont obey the court order, then why let them walk around free

        and spend the money on something else.

    Like i said they are given many chances before they are put in jail.  If they want to be rebellious, let them sit there for a while and think about it.  They were given a blessing, they are responsible for that blessing.   And its a shame because the children suffer the most.

    they are caught in the middle.  

    And its also a shame some women or men get greedy and want more so they can either get even or spend the money on them selves.

  3. I guess it all depends on how you look at it.   First of all, sometimes child support payments are like a big extortion racket and can demand too much.  If a guy can easily afford to make his payments and live a decent life, yet refuses then some punishment is warranted.   If, however the guy is not so well off, tries his best but is unable to make his payments while still sustaining a meaningful life then there should be some compromise before you just slap the cuffs on him.   It does the poorer man more harm to throw him in jail because when he cannot work, he cannot pay and they tack on those missing payments while you are in the slammer.   This compounds on the man's troubles and he will eventualy be thrown in jail again.  

    I think there should be punishment for women who use support payments for their own use as opposed to benefit the children as well.  I also think that payments should be kept within a reasonable ammount that keeps the child fed and clothed but is not excessive to the point where you are paying for Nikes and things that are non essential to a child's welfare.   If little Timmy has shoes, but other kids make fun of him for not having THE shoes, then tough nuggets.   Kids do not pay the bills and therefore are not entitled to **** other than the basics.    

  4. It makes it impossible for them to earn money, and causes the taxpayers to support them and provide their medical care.  This is to society's benefit because it sends a message to men to use protection and to women to be more careful about with whom they have children.  

  5. i don't know how it helps really.

    in some cases it really does.

    in other they just send them to jail...

    where all their meals, water, heating, ext

    are all PAID FOR!!!



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