
How does it look if I quit my job to go to college full-time?

by  |  earlier

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I just can't do it anymore, I know other people can go and work full-time but my job is stressing me out and when I come home the last thing that I want to do is my hw and projects.




  1. Most employers have also taken night school and are perfectly aware of the situation.  If you have the money to go to school without working, then I would suggest that.  I ended up having to do that as well as many of my classes in 3rd and 4th year were not offered at night.

  2. Education would justify gaps in your Employment History

    Employers hate gaps of any prolong length of time, i.e., what was s/he doing during this time?

  3. It looks good! You are investing in your future, I will be starting college soon and I wouldnt have a full time job on top of it.

  4. it would look like you care about your education and a future career. Good Luck!!

  5. It looks great on a resume.

    And it's a good way to cover up your real answer to "why did you quit your last job?"

    A) "Because my boss is an idiot and I want to kill him."

    B) "Because I started going to college full-time."

    If you can tell them B, then you don't ever have to explain A.

  6. maybe you can ask for lesser hours or lesser days to work i mean i wouldnt quit it at all cause what happens when you need to pay of your studen loans and stuff, cause you will have them.. i think you should keep it, i heard that in todays economy ALOT of people are having trouble finding a job and its gonna be hard to find one once you quit.. keep it, trust me you will regret that you quit it...  

  7. I agree with 3275362's answer! =) You're making a good decision


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