
How does it make you feel to be shown respect and apprection ?

by  |  earlier

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Regrettably , personal expressions of gratitude , verbal or written , seemto be increasingly rare .

What ever happened to just being polite to one another ?




  1. Gone out the window when people began to think that they have "entitlement".  Ever held the door open for someone and they breeze without any acknowledgement?  Or maybe you do something for someone and they pretty much ignore you?  There are still some old folks around for whom manners and common courtesy is still important, but they're dying off and the baby boomers and the following generations have no sense of gratitude.  They feel as if the world owes them something.  I tend to think it;s a good kick in the butt.

  2. I feel as if I'm doing something right. People are either in to much of a rush, upset about something non- related, or just mean- spirited to even care about respect and gratitude. Unfortunately this is just one of the many symptoms created by our society.

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