
How does it make you feel to go to a restaurant now that is "Smoke Free"?

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How does it make you feel to go to a restaurant now that is "Smoke Free"?




  1. Restaurants in California have been smoke-free for years. I think it's great. Restaurant operators don't have to try to provide non-smoking sections (which never worked very well anyway), or worry about ashtrays or fires in trashcans from live butts.

    Restaurant patios, however, have become rife with smokers because of this. That can be a problem for nonsmokers.

  2. i feel real good when i walk into a restarant and there is no smoking. because i am allergic to smoke it gives me headaches, makes my stomach hurt, i usually can't even breath. i am so happy that they have non-smoking restarants now days

  3. Good. As an ex smoker  and former waitress it is great. Now I don't personally have to breath in someone elses smoke while I or my family eat. And I remember how horrible I would smell when I used to work in the smoking sections at restaurants, that was really gross!!

  4. I grew up in florida, by the time i started having a memory there was no smoking in resturants, it was just a common thing, now that im in the midwest, they still have smoking restaurants, and its almost shocking, i was like...'huh, why are there people smoking in this Cracker Barrell??" anyway, i think smoke free restaurants and just fine by me, cant someone go without a smoke for half an hour? But i think a non-smoking bar is overkill, i know going into a bar that its going to be a cesspool so i shouldnt gripe.

  5. It feels like a breath of fresh air.

  6. I think that it was a good choice because now people can breath easer  while they eat.

  7. I am so spoiled by it in my home state that I find smoking shocking when I encounter it elsewhere..

  8. GooD! finally i can breeth freely!

  9. I love it, because even when they had the smoking section, the smoke always made it out to the non smoking section.

  10. I love it! Its so nice not to have to breathe in dirty horrible smoke

  11. I am a smoker...but I totally understand that people don't want to smell my smoke while they are eating! But as a smoker, the first thing that you want after eating is a cigarette. So we don't sit around as long after dinner cause we want to get going so we can smoke. :)

  12. i LOVE it! can't stand the smell of cig. smoke - i don't want to eat it with my meal

  13. Where I live smoking in enclosed public places has been banned for a few years. I don't smoke anymore but when I did even I was happy to go and eat a meal in a smoke free enviornment.

  14. i am a smoker, and i generally don't mind when i go to a non smoking restuarant. i understand that others do not want to breathe MY smoke.  i do get mad when others walk by me when i go outside to smoke at the same restaurant and say something snotty about me smoking. i am already outside, i don,t get how it should bother them.

  15. Good, I can now eat and breath at the same time.

  16. I think it is great.  Especially for the people that work there. You should be able to earn a living and not breath in second hand smoke at the same time.

  17. It's good! Now i can breathe and i don't go home smelly like ciggies. If people want to smoke they should do it outside.

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