
How does it make you feel when you get drunk?

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I was telling one of my guy friends that I get depressed and he said he knows a lot of women that feel the same way, but not too many men. Is there a gender difference in how men and women react to alcohol?




  1. Yes, I get merry and in a very relaxed mood and usually a bit horny too. I have seen other blokes get angry and others depressed and melancholy. As for women I have noticed the same sort of variety in reactions. And I have noticed women are easier to seduce when drunk or stoned so some of them do become hornier under the influence

  2. If I make the mistake of drinking when I'm depressed I get more so,but usually I just get more relaxed and talkative.

    Sometimes too relaxed and talkative.

  3. once in a while I get drunk  and I don't  like the feelings. I vomit, am upset ,I feel like a total idiot /loser. If am tipsy well, that's another story, I feel s**y and am always laughing.

  4. I drink on the weekends like later on tonight. I will get happy drunk. I need to unwind. I feel sorry for hubby I get hot under the darn collar, too hot to feel sad.

  5. honestly i have such a high tolerance to alcohol there is no still aware of everything i do...

    only time i had any adverse affects to alcohol was when i drank whiskey straight up..and all that did was make me puke...but sadly..i was stil aware. the way i felt..i would have rather just been passed out. but i did sleep it off...and crawled to the bathroom to throw up when ihad too! no puking on myself in my sleep for me! h**l no.

    i tihnk the reason i had such a bad reaction to the whiskey is 1 it was warm...2, and 2 i had not been getting much sleep so my normal alcohol defenses were weak. lol

    id like to be around johno when he is drunk. :)

  6. I laugh quite a bit. I'm a calm and collective person who has no balance. It might depend how you feel before you start to drink.

  7. only reason i drink is to relax, i get happy and relaxed i only drink in clubs for obvious reason to be more sociable

  8. It turns me into an absolute psycho :-D only joking, I just get really hyper and talk none stop.

  9. I think it is true that how you feel when you drink is the type of person you are...many people become more outgoing or talkative, but I think things like anger, sadness or depressed may be a sign that something needs to be changed in the person's life.

    I typically feel happy, bubbly and very outgoing, but I think many women put up a front of these things in their daily lives which only puts salt in the wounds of their problems and creates this depressed feeling.

  10. I feel aggressive, powerful, happy and invincible.

  11. Two of my father's brothers drank to excess. One was a happy drunk, the other was a mean drunk.  My mother's brother also drank too much.  He was a silent drunk.  I didn't even know he drank until I was an adult.  He didn't get silly or mean, he just seemed to relax, and then he went up to his room and fell asleep.  He was an unhappy man, "shell shocked" from service in World War II, so looking back, I'd say he was probably depressed.

    I got silly, and my husband fell asleep.  We both got hang-overs, so the last time either of us drank to excess was 28 years  ago at my younger brother's wedding.

    I agree with your other posters.  It doesn't depend on gender, but rather on underlying personality and inhibitions the alcohol might remove.  I still have an occasional drink, but I know to stop after a second drink, and generally after the first.

  12. I think it probably depends on your personal brain chemistry and personality. I've always been suprised when they say alocohol is a depressant because I and my family become very merry, like on top of the world. Everything seems rosey to me and embarassingly I can tell people I love them and hug them lots...

    They also say it dampens your libido but I find it's the opposite. But then they say with men it can make them violent (the saying about stella being the wife beater drink). But my hubby and Dad just get merry and silly. My husband will be overly affectionate when he is drunk which doesn't happen often because he has a kidney removed.

    (PS I mean him getting drunk doesn't happen often! Not affection lol)

  13. Every individual is different.

  14. It depends on your mind.It is not about gender difference.I have seen different people react differently after drunk...

    You see your side.If you drink for fun then you will enjoy it.But if you drink for sadness you will feel different.But anyways drinking    

    is injurious to health

  15. I rarely drink but when I do I make up for lost time. I get happy, love to dance, feel like everyone is my best friend, sometimes talk to much, but I do not get depressed. When i was a teen ager drinking would make me depressed and weepy. To me, it is all about emotional maturity.

  16. I become happy and exceptionally fascinated wiht things eg the way the word is written of the bottle or the way te laminate floors grains don't match and things like that

    its quite funny actually.. like a child..

  17. No there is not a gender difference.  I know a few guys who get depressed when they drink.  Alcohol is, after all, a DEPRESSANT.  "Drinking" is very much a socially distorted activity.

  18. You feel relaxed.

  19. usually when i drink i become more bubbly and happy... i think its a matter of how you felt before you drank more than anything else... and women are more likely than men to be depressed

  20. Its not really a male/female thing its what you are drinking. I get super flirty if I drink just beer. But I get crazy and stupid if I drink liquor. So I just drink both and even things out! Mixed drinks, beer and wine will make you feel differantly. Watch out for your liquor too...stronger drinks like strait tequila or vodka etc... can make you a lot worse then something lighter/weaker.

  21. It depends....

    Typically, I'm the happiest person alive, but from time to time I can be angry/sad when drinking. It really depends upon how I was feeling earlier, and also how much I drank. I have tendancy to get paranoid when I'm very, very drunk around my girlfriend - I'll be convinced she's mad at me and wants to break up. Normally shes only mad at me for asking if shes mad a million times haha. Because of this, I know to cut myself off when I'm drinking around her (normally haha). The only time I really feel depressed is sometimes the morning after - I'm tired, have a headache, and perhaps feeling guilty/embarassed about a thing or two that happened the night before.

    Most of the time, girls are giggly and fun, but from time to time, everyone has their bad nights. I also think it depends upon who you're around when you're drinking. If you go out, get pretty drunk, and then come home alone, and you start thinking about how lonely you are, chances are you'll get bummed out, and it'll effect your mood in the morning (so you'll think of last night, and even though you had fun with your friends, when you came home you think it kinda sucked).

    I would say the biggest thing is whether or not something is bothering you when you start drinking. I don't know that gender has much of anything to do with it other than that women have a higher risk for depression. Perhaps you only drink when something is bothering you, which is why it makes you feel depressed?

  22. No, everyone gets drunk differently. I become giggly and somewhat klutzy (and this is only after one drink; I'm a lightweight); the guy I'm seeing doesn't get drunk at all; and one of our friends becomes moody and snappish.

  23. i wish i cud know................i have tried getting drunk but i have never been able to feel the tingly-tippy effect. i behave totally normal without any extra happiness or sadness

  24. no. when i used to drink in my early years of partying i was happy, confident and for the most part a happy drunk. it gave me a really good buzz and was very fun.

    but, one of the reasons i am now off alcohol is because it started to depress me and make me sad. this reflected my personnal life. i think if you are dealing with issues then drink isnt a good thing. it can make you sad, depressed, angry, even violent.

    i dont think thier is a gender difference. more and more women who drink act just like men. its an individual thing.

  25. i don't think its a gender difference, i think it loosens your inhibitions and it has more to do with your personality and how you are feeling at the time.  i have been happy, depressed, invincible, vulnerable...

  26. No problem! I do not drink alcohol. I am in control!

  27. I don't drink anymore but when I did I felt like I was on top of the world.  Happy and energetic.

  28. I get pretty bubbly and happy, then i start to question myself. phase 3 would be doing really stupid stuff and depending on the mood i can be either very depressed or just fine towards the very end.

    It' s annoying though, i try to keep my self sense and it drives my head crazy until i just let it all go.

  29. in my experience that's nonsense, but see link below. lots of men get depressed when drunk. personally it mostly depends what kind of mood i'm in beforehand > if i'm in a good place with nice people, i'll be happy. if i've had a bad week and am feeling down anyway, i might get depressed. also different drinks have different effects :-)

    haven't looked at these studies in detail btw >

  30. depression and alcohol are linked, women tend to be more emotional and volatile so id say the effect might be stronger.

    men have a long tradition of treating their own depression with alcohol and medicating the depressive effects of alcohol with more alcohol.

    when i push it with alcohol i do get depressed, the alcohol effects liver function and chemicals which induce depression stay in the system for longer.

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