
How does it sound to native german speakers when?

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you use the incorrect article eg. der auto instead of das auto?

clearly wrong but like does it prevent comprehension or what? do you sound like an idiot? thanks




  1. its not that big of a deal. i can still understand what youre trying to say.

    Das auto ist soo schnell!!! Ich muss es haben!!

  2. i find it stupid

  3. You would not sound like an idiot ! People would appreciate you for trying. And if they should laugh, that's because it might sound a bit funny or even cute. But they would not laugh at you or think you're stupid !!!! So keep trying and........bitte schön !

  4. No big deal. It doesn´t prevent communication at all. I think noone would consider someone trying to speak in a foreign language an idiot.

  5. Not a problem.. I have a British husband.. he speaks some bit of German and understands a lot.. but when he talks to my dad.. he says.. Wie geht's die Willy... How is the Willy.. meaning how is Wilhem my dad.. I find it rather cute.. I speak fluent English but I somehow sometimes mispronounce things in English.. so that they take on a double meaning.. if you just change one letter sometimes in an English word.. it can take on an embarrassing meaning I found out.. so I got into trouble a couple of times.. and when our English teacher, many years ago said something in German... it was hilarious.. it was just really funny.. not in a demeaning way at all but it made us laugh from the heart.. not about him but with him... we all liked him a lot.. and the most important thing is to be able to make yourself understood.. then you can communicate.. Nobody can expect perfection.. that takes time.. If you can say what you want to say.. even if you say it almost backwards, one can usually make sense out of it... It never sounds like an idiot..  because English is not my first language and it was hard for me to learn it and to now be fluent.. so I would never call anyone who speaks broken German an Idiot.. especially as German is not a world language and English is.. and everybody should be able to speak English but not everybody speaks the world languages are English, French, Spanish, Russian and Mandarin Chinese.. German is not amongst them so I find it amazing that English or American people speak it at all...xx

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