
How does jury selection work?

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I have to go for "Jury Selection" and I was just wondering how that works?




  1. You may very well have to report for more than one Jury "Draw", so you may not be able to go out of town.

  2. Good luck.  Jury selection is interesting.  First people are selected from the jury pool.  Then the actual jury selection begins.  When its your turn, you have to answer a series of questions from both lawyers which can range from your position on gun control, to what your favorite color is.  Then you can be dismissed without explanation if one of the lawyers decides they don't like you.  (They can only use this a certain number of times, and can use any criteria to dismiss you.  Hair color, sports team preference etc)  Once they have used up their number of dissmissels, then they have to arguee for you inclusion, disqualification.

  3. It is different for different areas as needed by that area. for instance, in Franklin County, Ohio, jury selection is in periods of a week at a time, and Federal juries in the area select for two weeks at a time. I would advise contacting your authorities and determining your local requirements - but if you are selected for a jury, and the case runs on, so will you - until it is done, and I'm sure you've read about months-long cases?

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