
How does light show particle as well as wave nature?

by Guest57660  |  earlier

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How does light show particle as well as wave nature?




  1. The dual nature of light can be explained with the following properties the light is associated.

    Absorption,emmission, photoelectric effect. It  has particles.

    Interference, diffraction , polarisation. It behaves like waves.

    Einstein's equation  E= mc^2  is based on particle theory

    Planck's equation   E= hv  is based on wave theory.

       Combination of both, gave the De Broglie's wave matter

    De Broglie's  wave length  Lambda= h/momentum

  2. The famous double-slit experiment shows photons behave as particles, going through one slit or the other. Classic interference patterns show that photons behave as waves.

    Part of the problem people have with this is the idea that the photon MUST be one or the other. This is because in our macro world, things ARE one or the other. However, in the world of the quantum, it can easily be neither, or both, or something else altogether.

    The fact that the photon acts like a particle when you look for evidence it is one, and acts like a wave when you look for evidence of that, means it's probably really neither at all.

  3. There is an overextended debate on the subject. In the double slit experiments it appears that light is a wave when you are not looking. This is probably because until now we don't really know whether the wave and the photon move simultaneously or whether the photon really move at all. Also, is the photon the same as the wave? Is it not a case where the photon is the cause of energy translation and the wave is the visual effect of this energy transfer?I have developed a theory on this. But just like other theories, there is the burden of proof. Until then we can not say with certainty that light is a particle and a wave.

  4. due to its duall nature

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